Tried Everything and STILL Struggle With Your Gut Health?

Rewire Your Nervous System with Dr. Jaban

Fight or Flight is Destroying Your Gut Health

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Dr. Jaban Unlocks the Secret to Gut Health

You know how it feels when you’re overwhelmed with stress; your heart is pumping out of control, your palms sweating, and you feel like there’s a 50-pound weight on your chest preventing you from catching your breath.

This is the body's natural response to stress known as "fight or flight.”

It's a beneficial adaptation for surviving physical threats in nature, however, when triggered too often or left on for too long this fight or flight state can wreak havoc on your health — especially if you are already dealing with chronic illness.

Under normal circumstances, this response can help humans effectively respond to immediate danger. 

However, if this response is activated too frequently or for extended periods of time — a condition often called chronic stress — it can lead to a variety of health issues, including heart disease, sleep problems, digestive issues, depression, obesity, and memory impairment.

The prolonged release of stress hormones like cortisol can also disrupt various processes in your body, leading to systemic inflammation and a weakened immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses.

10 Signs Your Are Stuck In Fight or Flight...

  • You're constantly feeling anxious or panicked
  • ​You can't seem to relax, even when you should be able to 
  • ​Your body feels chronically tense
  • ​You're prone to outbursts of anger or sudden tears
  • ​Your digestion is off and your gut health is suffering
  • ​Your immune system is always weakened and you catch colds often 
  • ​You have difficulty sleeping or staying asleep 
  • ​Fatigue is a constant in your life no matter how much you rest 
  • ​Memory problems, brain fog and confusion are common occurrences  
  • ​Symptoms from chronic illnesses worsen or never seem to improve regardless of treatments 

So WHY Are You Stuck in Fight or Flight?

The human nervous system is composed of two main branches: the parasympathetic branch and the sympathetic branch.

The parasympathetic branch is responsible for “rest and digest” activities. It helps slow down heart rate, lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and aid digestion – all taking place when we’re relaxed.

The sympathetic branch is responsible for “fight or flight” activities; it increases heart rate and blood pressure, decreases circulation, reduces digestion – all taking place when we feel stressed.

The two work together in balance to help us remain healthy, however with the onslaught of toxins and other chronic illnesses such as parasites, mold, Lyme disease, and other conditions, our nervous system can become overactivated and stuck in fight or flight mode. This means that even when there is no physical danger present, our body is still responding as if it’s running for its life.

Here is how each of these root causes could affect the nervous system directly:

🐛Parasites: Parasites can overstimulate the sympathetic nervous system, leading to inflammation throughout the body.

🧫Mold: Mold directly affects our body’s stress reaction pathways, creating an inflammatory response in the brain and other organs that can lead to chronic fatigue, anxiety, and depression.

⚠️Chemical Toxicity: Toxins such as pesticides, heavy metals, solvents, and even environmental pollutants can all contribute to fight or flight mode by increasing stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

💚Lyme Disease: Lyme disease has been linked to interfering with the nerve signals from the autonomic nervous system which regulates things like heart rate and digestion.

🍴Glyphosate: Glyphosate is a toxic herbicide found in many of our food sources, and it has been linked to negatively impacting nervous system functioning.

🚫Toxins: Toxins like chlorine and fluoride are often found in our water supply and can affect the human nervous system by creating a state of inflammation that affects nerve function. Other toxins in our food can include hormones and antibiotics used in conventional agriculture, as well as food additives.

What is Stress Doing to Your Gut & Your Brain??

The nervous system is often a huge missing link and why clients don't fully get well, despite eating the right diet, following their protocols, taking saunas, and drinking filtered water.

Did you know there is a two-way street between your gut and nervous system? The connection between the two systems is known as the “gut-brain axis” or “vagus nerve.” 

This connection is important because the state of our nervous system affects how our gut functions and vice versa.

Modern society has put extra stress on our bodies, often leading to an overactive fight or flight response that can cause long-lasting damage to both our guts and nervous systems.

The modern diet and lifestyle also play a role in destroying beneficial bacteria found in the gut microbiome which can lead to digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and indigestion.

And stress can have a major negative impact on gut health! 

When our fight or flight response is triggered, blood flow is redirected away from the digestive system and towards the muscles we need to fight or flee. This can lead to symptoms such as cramping, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

Dr. Jaban's Rewiring Nervous System Course

This comprehensive program is designed to help you break free from the fight-or-flight mode that's wreaking havoc on your gut health.

More than a guide, it's a lifeline for anyone looking to take control of their well-being, reducing the debilitating symptoms of a leaky gut, and revitalizing your body and mind.

What the program holds for you:

  • Understanding the intricate relationship between the nervous system and leaky gut
  • ​Exploring why leaky gut causes mental health symptoms and brain inflammation
  • ​Insight into how your lifestyle choices predict your gut function
  • ​Unveiling the dangerous effects of leaky gut and a dysfunctional nervous system
  • ​Introducing sustainable solutions to heal leaky gut
  • ​In-depth explanations of Dr. Jaban's proven leaky gut protocols